Hey Yogi’s,
7 years ago this week YAMA was featured in The New York Times. It was a solo profile, the kind of coverage people dream about and pay tens of thousands of dollars for.
How did it come about?
Well … I had written to the NYT about a client and a stunt we were hosting in Time Square: bringing together 40 women of a certain age to show off their yoga confidence, and their yoga bodies, by doing yoga in the least amount of clothing they were comfortable wearing in public and getting our vinyasa on.
They wrote me back right away, but were more curious about this crazy woman was writing to the NYT on behalf of a yoga teacher?! The article continues: “Now comes Ava Taylor, whom one blogger has called ‘the Ari Gold of yoga,’ trying to make a business out of managing the careers of yoga teachers. Yes, yoga teachers have careers… Her company YAMA Talent, which stands for Yoga Artist Management Agency, handles bookings and strategy for 45 teachers trying to put a price on what they do in an industry valued at $5.7 million dollars.” When I think back on all the visions, dreams, goals, pitches, negotiations, bookings, events, stunts, retreats/retreat centers, trainings developed both live and online, products developed both live and online, TV shows, book deals, merchandise deals; the brands developed, the studios supported, the franchises supported; the wins, the learnings, the common yogi pitfalls of the past 7 years, I smile, give thanks and look forward to what’s next. I assure you, we ain’t done yet.The Times continues, “Ms. Taylor 31, is well manicured, all but attached to her mobile device and confident of her place in the stratosphere. ‘I can contact every yoga teacher of significance on the planet in about an hour.’ Ms. Taylor wrote in an email sent at 2 AM.”
And, here’s another bold statement I am confident about:
We have a database of experience in building & supporting successful yoga businesses that is second to none.
Some of the hardest things about being an entrepreneur are the amount of trial & error one must endure, and the difficulty in making sound decisions when you are operating solo and have no experience to evaluate against.
You don’t need to operate solo any longer, and you can now tap into a program of tried and tested tools, knowledge and know how to catalyze real and sustainable growth as a yoga teacher.
My granny always used to say, “If you knew better, you’d do better.” Welcome to The Catalyst. Love, Ava P.S. Some snaps from The Times...We have GREAT NEWS that our long awaited online business school for yogi’s is launching in 2 weeks! To celebrate, we are giving away a complimentary Y-O-G-A Kit (tote bag, notebook, pencils, coffee mug) to the first 50 registrants who sign up!
If you would like to hear more about the course (no strings attached!), and get yourself in the cue to receive our complimentary Y-O-G-A Kit, send us your name at: thecatalyst@export.yamatalent.com