Your Yoga Business Career Road Map (4) Sessions
Your Yoga Business Career Road Map (4) Sessions

Your Yoga Business Career Road Map (4) Sessions

Regular price $1,199.00
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Maximize your existing business + create a powerful & achievable business plan to take your yoga business further, faster.

Is it time to take stock of your existing business and to reIMAGINE the path that your yoga business is on?  Do you need to think in fresh + innovative ways based on the current market environment in order to move your business forward, or keep your business afloat?

If so, the Career Road Map is for you. Together over the course of (4) 90 minute sessions, we will: strategically assess what your business is comprised of and how to maximize what is already there, reIMAGINE the direction your business is headed and create an in depth plan of action with detailed strategies to actuallget you from where you are, to where you want to be.  Walk away with a 12 month Career Road Map.  

All sessions and content are based off of Ava's brand new book, Your Yoga Business.

Our (4) 90 minute sessions are organized per the below:

  • Session 1: Assess + Maximize your existing yoga business
  • Session 2: reIMAGINE the yoga business of your dreams
  • Session 3: Set Goals, clear obstacles keeping you from reaching your goals
  • Session 4: Identify Strategies to reach your goals

The best pace for this process is one session every other week.
