Yoga by Tosia: Sadie Nardini- Yoga of Message, Marketing & Money YJ Conference NY 2013

VI. Sadie Nardini: Yoga of Message, Marketing & Money YJ Conference NY 2013 "Be More You." - Sadie Nardini, YJ Conference NY 2013 I have been wanting to take a class with Sadie for a long time. She is famous for her core vinyasa classes, right up my alley! And I was a little bummed out because I could not fit in everything I wanted to do in the weekend. In order to take all the teachers I wanted to I had to decide to take a physical class with her or this lecture class. Since this was a business weekend as much as it was pleasure for me, I chose this workshop. And I am very glad I did. I will be taking so much of what I learned with me in my career. Sadie had her panel of people around her. Her fashion designer, her assistant teacher/marketing person, her co-teacher and social media expert, her yoga agent and in the audience her mother who I believe she said handles her finances. A yoga entourage of sorts. But as her agent Ava Taylor, founder of YAMA Talent pointed out, don't think of an agent like Ari from Entourage; marketing yourself doesn't have to be selling yourself out. Sadie has her own unique style, sort of rockerish and reminds me of myself actually. She was a normal down to earth person though. Just like Kathryn Budig, she had no problem talking to you like you were her peer. In the process of talking about yoga and her journey, there were no judgements about having to be vegetarian or alcohol free or anything of the sort. She explained how once she started filling her group classes, she felt like she had more to offer. She created a yoga YouTube video that blew up and that's how she started to become more well known in the yoga field. Ava Taylor contacted Sadie for a consultation and thus Sadie became her first client for YAMA talent. Each person on Sadie's panel said a little something about themselves and how they each contribute to the team. I could clearly imagine all the people I would take with me in my success when I someday reach that point. Her social media specialist, Tyler McCoy offered some great tips about using all the media platforms and what phone applications he found helpful. They went through a list of eleven points to finding success in your yoga business which were all interesting and helpful. I won't go through each because again you should take a class with her for this information and I believe that she said she is going to have it available somewhere for purchase. I'll update this if I find out where. But just in general, I'd say the theme of the lecture was authenticity. The message was as the quote above: BE MORE YOU. Finding yourself and what is unique about you is what will bring you success. Not trying to fit into a mold of what you think a "yoga" person should be like, but rather, being natural. And isn't that more yogic in the end? Then, it was so ironic because a few weeks back I was reading someone's blog which posed a question which was if you could give someone one piece of advice to gain happiness in their lives, what would it be? I commented that mine would be "Know Your Worth" because I truly believe that is so connected with happiness and success. So much I want to tattoo it on me. And then at this workshop, suddenly after a student's question about taking money from a clients that try to jip you, Sadie and Ava are saying "Know Your Worth!" Ha! That just confirmed how powerful that truth is. And confirmed that I do indeed want to get that tattoo one day. Basically, as I have already learned over the years, you have to remember that even though yoga is a good and positive thing associated with karma, that it is still your business and you have to treat it like one. Doctors are do-gooders, and they make an excellent living. You can have money and success and still be yogic. And I loved that Sadie said this. Even when her insight was something I already knew- it gave me a new sense of confidence and perspective to hear her say it. " Let the haters hate." - Sadie Nardini, YJ Conference NY 2013 Taking this workshop was a perfect ending to the weekend. With all the workshops combined, I found a sense of happiness and gratitude that I haven't felt in a long time. And as for Sadie, I will definitely be taking a physical class of hers in the near future if not at the YJ conference next year. In the meantime, I am looking forward to scheduling a consultation with YAMA Talent myself. Sadie was motivating and articulate. And she helped me find clarity in the direction I want to take this career. It's exciting. And it's now. And I hope to see you on the journey. :)
