

Killing Perfection

So, This newsletter was supposed to go out a month ago. Yet here I am working on a third (or fourth!) version suffering from a hard core perfection infection. Can anybody out there feel me? Is your productivity / output being slowed down by your desire to make things, “perfect?” Perfect by definition:  is the condition, state or quality of being free as possible from all flaws, defects or fault. And, we all know that perfection is not possible.  So, how can I be suffering from something that doesn’t really exist? Perfection is a disease that affects all creators, at times, with paralyzing symptoms such as: Micro - managing and obsessing over details - “you know, I just can’t send it...

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Get Your Head Out Of The Sand

The truth is... Being a yoga entrepreneur ain’t easy ... There are so many moving parts, so many moving people, constant changes in technology, limited resources, and juggling day to day responsibilities. I know because I am one and because we receive hundreds of emails and hear first hand accounts, from yoga entrepreneurs who are looking for tools and strategies to either: Save their businesses, or, to take their businesses from GOOD to GREAT. When we begin with a client our first step is to assess the situation. As an entrepreneur it becomes difficult to see the forest from the trees for most of us. We are simply too busy running things on the daily to stop and assess. Why...

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Sticks, Stones, Sicily & Studio Support

Hello Dear Yogi’s, Wishing you all a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  My brother, father and grandfather all served in the US Military and our typical way to celebrate has been a big, fat BBQ!  May you enjoy this time with you and yours. As a child I always recited the school yard mantra: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” As an adult however, I now understand the power of words to bring positive manifestation, to cultivate inner strength and instill confidence, as well as to inflict pain on one another, or ourselves, whether intentionally said, or not. Communication, language and words are a topic that I think about a lot and I am curious about...

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Brooklyn, Rome, Beyoncé

Hello Yogi’s! We hope this email finds you happy, healthy, and enjoying the long awaited spring. It has been QUITE a winter. They say “Rome (or Beyoncé) wasn’t built in a day” - and neither was YAMA. Rather, it is a constant evolution as we continue to build alongside our amazing clients as Catalysts for Better Living, spreading the tools of wellness to communities of all kinds across the globe. I share this with you because I know that you are all out there dreaming and manifesting businesses that support this very same cause. We have some very exciting news: A brand new website & youtube channel An ongoing library of meaningful & provocative business commentary on our vlog =...

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